Michael Williams
Maritime Law, Archaeology Law
Professor Mike Williams is a Visiting Professor at Plymouth University’s School of Law, Criminology & Government, a member of the University’s Marine Conservation & Policy Research Group (MarCoPol) and a former Honorary Professor at the Institute of Archaeology, UCL. He has published extensively on the law relating to the foreshore and seabed and underwater cultural heritage. He has advised government departments and agencies, both in the UK and abroad and was retained as an advisor to the Crown Estate (Marine Division) on foreshore and seabed law. Mike sits on the UK’s Joint Nautical Archaeological Policy Committee, is a member of the Ministry of Defence’s Expert Panel on HMS Victory 1744, is Chair of the Devon & Severn Inshore Fishery and Conservation Authority, is the Honorary Secretary of the Nautical Archaeology Society (a UK registered charity), a Director of Mast Heritage, a Harbour Commissioner and Chair of the UK’s Protected Wrecksite Association. Mike is a qualified commercial and recreational diver and as a member of the South West Maritime Archaeology Group has conducted archaeological operations on several protected wreck sites.