Mourad el Amouri

Archaeologist, Underwater Archaeologist, Researcher,

Underwater Heritage protection, Diver

Postgraduate in Archaeology (MA University Paris I-Pantheon-Sorbonne) obtained in 2001, Mourad El Amouri was part of the permanent staff of the Alexandrine Study Center (CEAlex UMS 1812 CNRS, Dir. Jean-Yves Empereur, Alexandria, Egypt) from 1998 to 2005. He led eleven campaigns of underwater excavations on the architectural elements of the lighthouse of Alexandria, as archaeologist in charge of the excavation. He also led in 2002 on behalf of the UNESCO, a mission of archaeological survey on the Egyptian port of Tyre within the geomorphological and archaeological survey of the Lebanese coast project.

Back in France for nearly fifteen years, he has participated in several preventive terrestrial archaeological sites, while continuing archaeological work in the Middle East (French Mission to the excavations of Taposiris Magna in Egypt and French Mission of northern Syria).

In 2011, as manager, he led Ipso Facto Company to win the tender for the excavation and lifting ofArles- Rhône 3, a roman barge of 31m long, extracted from the Rhône River. During this project he provided part of the shared responsibility of the whole operation.

Since, he is involved in several underwater archeology programs including Fos-sur-mer (West of Marseille) where he co-directs excavations. These different archaeological submarine and terrestrial experiences enabled him to develop research issues related to the study of architectural remains, coastal, port or hydraulic. His work has been presented during international symposium and in various scientific publications and has also been supported by obtaining several scholarships and research by French institutes abroad, or by private foundations.

Since the academic year 2013-2014 he is responsible for the educational unit «theory of practice “for Master 1 University of Aix-Marseille in the new Master (Master of Maritime and coastal Archaeology – momarch – Aix -Marseille University). Designed and presented as part of the call for project ” Academy of Excellence “, the master since June 2013 is accredited and funded by the university foundation A*Midex (Excellence initiative Aix-Marseille ). He also co-leads part of field courses offered to students of Master1 and Master2.


  • Underwater Excavation
  • Research/Publications
  • Underwater Photogrammetry
  • Survey



French, Italian, Arabic, English