Chesil Beach Project

Site location: United Kingdom
One of the major aims of the Nautical Archaeology Society (NAS) is to provide divers access to Protected Wrecks and by doing so, fostering a sense of custodianship of underwater cultural heritage. Several times each year, the NAS runs Protected Wreck Days allowing qualified divers to have an extraordinary experience visiting and learning about the UK’s protected wrecks. Not only do the divers get to visit sites that require a licence to visit, they also receive a thorough dive briefing and archaeological site briefing before each dive so that they will know what to look out for and will have an understanding of the underwater site and it’s place in history. We offer two Protected Wreck Day experiences. Based out of Eastbourne, Sussex, we take divers to the Norman’s Bay Wreck (c.1690) and the Holland No.5 submarine (sank 1912). The Portsmouth based experience in Hampshire goes to the protected wrecks of HMS Invincible (sank 1758) and the A1 Submarine (sank 1911). These are definitely experiences for people who are interested in ‘Diving for a Purpose’.