Sustainable and Resilient Coastal Cities (SARCC)

Site location: United Kingdom

SARCC will mainstream nature-based solutions (NBS) into coastal management and policy making, where they are integrated into existing grey infrastructure and flood defences. The project builds the capacity of urban leaders, decision-makers and officers involved in coastal flood defences to deploy NBS and understand the additional benefits that they offer in comparison to traditional grey infrastructure. The project area ranges from Cornwal in southwest England, to the Flemish coastline. MAT are assessing the under-used archaeological, historical and palaeo-environmental information as data sources to provide insights into the impact of human activities along the coastline from the early Holocene to the mid-20th century. Analysis of the material is demonstrating long-term patterns of coastal change . This knowledge is providing a positive contribution to the coastal management, decision making process and to raise stakeholder awareness. It will be particularly valuable where nature based solutions are to be reinstated and there is a desire to work in tandem with long term natural processes rather than in opposition. The outputs will contribute to the UN Decade of Ocean Science and Sustainable development and the UN sustainable development goals 11, 13 and 14.