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8 Institute of Nautical Archaeology Ancient and Early Modern Shipwrecks in the Mediterranean The Institute of Nautical Archaeology has been actively excavating shipwrecks in the Mediterranean for more than four decades. Notable shipwrecks include those at: Cape Gelidonya, Uluburun, Pabuç Burnu, Tektaş Burnu, Yassıada, Kizilburun, and Serçe Limani. Many of these shipwrecks are displayed in the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology. INA archaeologists operate from INA's Bodrum Research Center (BRC), which houses offices, artifact and wood conservation laboratories, a dormitory, and a 10,000 volume research library. 37.0344 27.4305 NULL NULL 2021-07-19 17:51:35 ina Turkey

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