A global list of UNESCO accredited NGOs, including key strength areas and contact deatils.
Click the symbol next to a record to view associated experts and projects.
Actions | ID | Logo | Organisation Name | Organisation Status | Nominating Org | Main Contact | Website URL | Geographic Coverage | Education Expertise | Other Expertise | Organisation Profile | Record Created | Record Creator | |||
1 | Maritime Archaeology Trust | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Garry Momber | https://maritimearchaeologytrust.org | info@maritimearchaeologytrust.org | International | Outreach specialist,Public,Research | Survey,Volunteer Co-ordination,Research,Fieldwork capabilities,Training/capacity building,Outreach | The Maritime Archaeology Trust is a registered charity with 30 years’ exper... more | 2021-05-18 08:50:25 | brandon.mason@maritimearchaeolog.co.uk | |||
5 | Groupe de recherche en archéologie navale GRAN | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Max Guérout | http://archeonavale.org/gran2012/ | mrgueroutmaxadrien@9business.fr | International | Public,Professional,Academic | Research | recherche archéologique en architecture navale | 2021-05-18 17:09:07 | lauren.nagler@maritimearchaeology.co.uk | |||
8 | Society for Historical Archaeology | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Amanda Evans | https://sha.org/ | unesco_cmte@sha.org | International | Public Outreach,Education,Professional | Formed in 1967, the Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) is the largest... more | 2021-06-04 19:19:12 | SHA UNESCO | ||||
3 | CMAS (and also ICOMOS-ICUCH) | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Hakan Öniz | http://icuch.icomos.org/ | hakan.oniz@gmail.com | International | Public | Training/Capacity Building | World Underwater Confederation, International Scientific Committees - UCH C... more | 2021-05-18 17:24:27 | lauren.nagler@maritimearchaeology.co.uk | |||
6 | DEGUWA - Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Unterwasserarchäologie e.V. | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Peter Winterstein | http://www.deguwa.org | winterstein@deguwa.org | International | Public,Academic,Professional | Training/Capacity Building,Research | The association of professional archaeologists, scientists of related histo... more | 2021-05-19 03:37:19 | lauren.nagler@maritimearchaeology.co.uk | |||
7 | Nautical Archaeology Society | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Peta Knott | https://www.nauticalarchaeologysociety.org/ | education@nauticalarchaeologysociety.org | International | Academic,Outreach,school children and student placements,Policy,Professional,Public | Advocacy,Fieldwork capabilities,Outreach,Research,Training/capacity building,Volunteer co-ordination | Our mission is to research, record and protect our threatened underwater an... more | 2021-06-04 14:54:41 | Peta Knott | |||
9 | ADRAMAR | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Anne HOYAU BERRY | https://adramar.fr/ | contact@adramar.fr | International | Outreach, school children and student placements | Fieldwork capabilities,Research,Outreach,Volunteer co-ordination | Adramar is a professional underwater archeology association, non-profit, cr... more | 2021-06-10 12:31:56 | HOYAU BERRY Anne | |||
10 | Maritime Archaeology Sea Trust (MAST) | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Jessica Berry | https://thisismast.org/ | mast@thisismast.org | International | Policy,Professional,Academic,Research and HUMINT | Advocacy,Fieldwork capabilities,Training/capacity building,Volunteer co-ordination | MAST provides full-cycle maritime archaeological capability, from discovery... more | 2021-07-06 14:26:35 | MAST | |||
2 | Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Prof. Jennifer McKinnon | http://acuaonline.org/ | chair@acuaonline.org | International | Professional,Public,Policy,Academic | Advocacy,Training/Capacity Building,Volunteer Co-ordination,Research | The ACUA has been at the forefront of underwater archaeology for more than ... more | 2021-05-18 23:17:31 | lauren.nagler@maritimearchaeology.co.uk | |||
18 | Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology (AIMA) | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Toni Massey | https://www.aima-underwater.org.au | vicepresident1@aima-underwater.org.au | International | Advocacy,Education,Outreach,school children and student placements,Academic,Professional,Public | Outreach | The Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology (AIMA) is an incorporat... more | 2021-07-22 16:17:16 | AIMA | |||
21 | Joint Nautical Archaeology Policy Committee | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Robert Yorke | https://jnapc.org/ | info@jnapc.org | National, International | Policy | Advocacy | JNAPC was formed in 1988 from individuals and representatives of institutio... more | 2022-02-14 15:03:04 | MarkBE | |||
17 | ARKAEOS | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Mourad EL AMOURI | http://www.arkaeos.fr/ | contact@arkaeos.fr | National | Academic,Education,Professional,Research,Public Outreach | Archaeological excavation,Research,Documentation,Photogrammetry,Fieldwork capabilities,Outreach | Created in March 2004, on the initiative of young archaeology researchers a... more | 2021-07-19 19:23:46 | Mourad EL AMOURI | |||
14 | Institute of Nautical Archaeology | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Robyn Woodward | https://nauticalarch.org | info@nauticalarch.org | International | Research | Archaeological excavation,Artifact conservation | The Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) is a non-profit, international ... more | 2021-07-15 10:49:44 | ina | |||
12 | CINDAQ - Centro Investigador del Sistema Acuifero de Quintana Roo A.C. | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Sam Meacham | https://www.cindaq.org | info@cindaq.org | Regional,National,Local,International | Academic,Education,Professional,Public Outreach,Reasearch,Public | Training/capacity building,Documentation,Volunteer co-ordination,Fieldwork capabilities,Mapping,Research,Photogrammetry,Cave diving,Exploration,Geographic Information Systems | CINDAQ is an organization dedicated to the exploration and documentation of... more | 2021-07-06 20:17:48 | cindaq | |||
4 | International Committee on the Underwater Cultural Heritage | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Chris Underwood | http://icuch.icomos.org | cju@hotmail.co.uk | International | Public,Academic,Professional | Advocacy,Training/Capacity Building,Research | The International Committee on the Underwater Cultural Heritage (ICUCH) is ... more | 2021-05-18 16:00:45 | lauren.nagler@maritimearchaeology.co.uk | |||
24 | The Ocean Foundation | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Charlotte Jarvis | https://oceanfdn.org/ | charlotte.jarvis98@gmail.com | International | Advocacy,Policy | Mapping | Further the goals of the 2001 Convention, the World Heritage Convention, th... more | 2023-08-31 15:24:42 | Peta Knott | |||
23 | Maritime Archaeological Society of Finland | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Vesa Saarinen | https://www.mas.fi/fi/seura | sihteeri@mas.fi | Finland | Research | citizen science | The Maritime Archaeological Society of Finland MAS was founded in 1995 with... more | 2023-08-22 16:55:37 | Vesa Saarinen | |||
19 | CIE - Centre for International Heritage Activities | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Robert Parthesius | https://www.heritage-activities.org/ | robert.parthesius@nyu.edu | International,Regional,National,Local | Outreach,school children and student placements,Professional,Public Outreach,Research,Advocacy,Education,Policy,Training,Academic,Public | Archaeological Excavation,Documentation,Excavation,Mapping,Fieldwork capabilities,Advocacy,Photogrammetry,Training/capacity building,Research,Outreach | CIE is an internationally orientated organization which strives to inspire ... more | 2021-07-27 14:11:45 | JSharfman | |||
13 | Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Dr. Kathy Abbass | https://www.rimap.org/ | rhodeislandmap@yahoo.com | Local | Training,Academic,Policy,Reasearch | Documentation,Mapping,Training/capacity building,Volunteer co-ordination | The Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project (RIMAP) was created in 1992 to ... more | 2021-07-07 22:33:04 | RIMAP - USA | |||
26 | MaritimEA Research | Nominated Observer | Nautical Archaeology Society | Amer Bazl Khan | https://www.maritimea.org | info@maritimea.org | Western Indian Ocean | Research,Academic,Policy,Professional,Advocacy,Education | Archaeological Excavation,Documentation,Geographic Information Systems,Photogrammetry,Intangible Cultural Heritage,Research,Training/capacity building,Volunteer co-ordination,citizen science | MaritimEA is a grant funded research organisation with expertise in cultura... more | 2024-07-29 08:08:14 | Amer Bazl Khan |