Master record (return to list)
ID | Logo | Organisation Name | Organisation Status | Nominating Org | Main Contact | Website URL | Geographic Coverage | Education Expertise | Other Expertise | Organisation Profile | Record Created | Record Creator | |
13 | Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project | UNESCO Accredited | NULL | Dr. Kathy Abbass | | | Local | Training,Academic,Policy,Reasearch | Documentation,Mapping,Training/capacity building,Volunteer co-ordination | The Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project (RIMAP) was created in 1992 to ... more | 2021-07-07 22:33:04 | RIMAP - USA |
ID | 17 |
Project Main Image | NULL |
Org ID | 13 |
Project Name | The Ships of Namquid/Gaspee Point |
Project URL | |
Project Description | Rhode Island patriots attacked and burned HMS Gaspee in 1772 in response to increasing British interference in local trade. RIMAP began a study of this area in 2015, starting with two 19th-century vessels in the area. As part of its citizen scientist training program, the teams documented the curre... more |
Latitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Longitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Record Created | 2024-06-04 00:39:06 |
Record Creator | snelsonmaney |
Project Location | 255 |
Project Sdgs | 0 |
Video Url | NULL |
Project Report | NULL |
ID | 18 |
Project Main Image | NULL |
Org ID | 13 |
Project Name | RI 2130 - The Fort Adams Marine Railway |
Project URL | |
Project Description | Fort Adams is an early 19th-century US Army fort that in the 20th century sponsored a shipyard to repair and service the vessels that supported the troops stationed there. The shipyard included a marine railway used to draw out of the water craft as long as 100’ and after repair to return them to ac... more |
Latitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Longitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Record Created | 2024-06-04 00:43:55 |
Record Creator | snelsonmaney |
Project Location | 255 |
Project Sdgs | 0 |
Video Url | NULL |
Project Report | NULL |
ID | 19 |
Project Main Image | NULL |
Org ID | 13 |
Project Name | Newport's Brenton Cove |
Project URL | |
Project Description | There are four vessels known to have been abandoned in Newport’s Brenton Cove, one of which was the reputed Slave Ship Gem. RIMAP teams described the physical remains of these ships, including the one insecurely identified as a slaver that was abandoned there after the Civil War. Historical studies ... more |
Latitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Longitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Record Created | 2024-06-04 00:46:26 |
Record Creator | snelsonmaney |
Project Location | 255 |
Project Sdgs | 0 |
Video Url | NULL |
Project Report | NULL |
ID | 20 |
Project Main Image | NULL |
Org ID | 13 |
Project Name | The Vessels Lost in RI during the Revolutionary War - Part I |
Project URL | |
Project Description | RIMAP’s early studies of the ships lost in local waters during the American Revolution included preliminary studies of HMS Lark, Cerberus, and Orpheus, three of the four Royal Navy frigates intentionally destroyed along the western shore of Aquidneck Island on August 5, 1778. Sonar searches to find ... more |
Latitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Longitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Record Created | 2024-06-04 00:48:10 |
Record Creator | snelsonmaney |
Project Location | 255 |
Project Sdgs | 0 |
Video Url | NULL |
Project Report | NULL |
ID | 21 |
Project Main Image | NULL |
Org ID | 13 |
Project Name | The Vessels Lost in RI during the Revolutionary War - Part II |
Project URL | |
Project Description | RIMAP’s very first archaeological fieldwork in 1993 was a sonar survey to locate the fleet of 13 privately-owned British transports scuttled in Newport’s Outer Harbor August 5-9, 1778, in the days leading up to the Battle of Rhode Island in the American Revolution. In the years since, continued remo... more |
Latitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Longitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Record Created | 2024-06-04 00:49:42 |
Record Creator | snelsonmaney |
Project Location | 255 |
Project Sdgs | 0 |
Video Url | NULL |
Project Report | NULL |
ID | 22 |
Project Main Image | NULL |
Org ID | 13 |
Project Name | The Vessels Lost in RI during the Revolutionary War - Part III |
Project URL | |
Project Description | RIMAP’s study of the Newport transport fleet has generated a great amount of international interest in local maritime history because one of the vessels, the Lord Sandwich, had been Capt. Cook’s Endeavour Bark of his first circumnavigation. RIMAP’s historical studies of the transports overturned th... more |
Latitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Longitude (WGS84) | 0.0000 |
Record Created | 2024-06-04 00:51:09 |
Record Creator | snelsonmaney |
Project Location | 255 |
Project Sdgs | 0 |
Video Url | NULL |
Project Report | NULL |